Each and everyone of us have those few products that we return to, no ifs not buts! Not everyone has to love them, they don't even have to hate them - you just need to swear by them.
If i where forced to choose
one 'beauty product' and be dropped on a desert island, it, without a doubt would be..
LIZ EARLE CLEANSE & POLISH Hot Cloth Cleanser (£13.77 (with muslin cloth) |
In this product Liz Earle created magic, it's a cleanser that leaves your skin feeling moisturised, replenished and clean, rather then stinging, dry and rough! It removes make up with ease and yet manages to keep your skin feeling great at the same time. I simply ADORE it.
Next, a product that has completely changed my skin for the better...
This shea butter, sugar and peach seed powder spa body polish" seems to take a unique path in exfoliating the body, in the past body scrubs have been to be too grainy, too rough, or not rough enough, but this soap and glory product leaves my skin feeling smooth 'flake' free and moisturising.
Mid summer this year i found my self craving a foundation that made my skin flawless and felt light at the same time, after spending some time looking i eventually came across this little beauty
CHANEL Vitalumiere Aqua [B20] (£31) |
As it says on the box, this is a '"ulta-light skin perfecting makeup" - when applied with a primer it gives a flawless finish to the skin that lasts all day. I'm yet to find a foundation that quite compares.
The most superior correcter i am yet to find
The Bobbi Brown Corrector in Light Bisque (£17) |
This is an amazing formulation that cancels out the darkness under my eyes and leaves me with a bright and natural look. This is my third re-purchase, dabbling in and out of other products this is always the one I return to.
A drugstrore mascara that truly leaves you with lashes to die for
MAYBELLINE The Falsies Volum' Express (£8.19) |
A mascara that gives you that desirable length, thickness and curl.
The two lipsticks i see as a necessity

BOBBI BROWN Pale Mauve 73 (£18) & MAC Speed Dial B71 (£13.50)
These two colours may not be everybodys cup of tea, but they're certainly mine, they are a brilliant addition to a natural make up look and suit the colour of my lips perfectly. They inhance them without looking over done or tried and feel so mouistorising through out day.
A natural blush
BENEFIT Sugarbomb (£23.50) |
This is a delightful shade of pink that adds a natural radience to the cheek. A reasonably matte colour with the odd glimse of sparke just adds to the beauty of the product.
How are your nails so smooth?
Leighton Denny Crystal Nail File (£12.00) |
Filing my nails with this crystal nail file makes it feel efforless, the clumsy person I am, I always get 'nicks' in my nails, file over it with this and it appears to file over it with a seal; leaving your nails feel smooth and healthy!